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Stem Cell Activation Workshop

Stem Cell


  • Why our bodies age and breakdown
  • About the role of adult stem cells in the natural renewal and repair of the body
  • How you can support your body’s adult stem cell physiology
  • How to reach an unmatched level of wellness both inside & out
Join us for a 60 minute presentation – hear from speakers Raelene Jury and Ian Davies – on their professional and personal experiences of Adult Stem Cell Nutrition.

RaeleneRaelene Jury

Global Health educator for over 30 years.

Raelene helps people in choosing healthier options, positive mindset expansion, as well as reversing cellular damage and prompting cell renewal.

She works alongside Naturopaths, Alternative Doctors, Clinical Professor/Doctors, and Researchers in 3 countries. Her journey is unique like many of us, from Dyslexia (which still happens), to not being able to read until she was over 50.

As well as recovering from many broken bones, including a broken neck part paralysis on her left side for weeks. Raelene has also struggled through 40 years of suicidal depression, depression & Bipolar from age 9-49 and addictions.

IanIan Davies

Ian Davies has studied complementary medicine and worked with each version of the AFA and stem cell nutrition products. He has extensive knowledge of the benefits of AFA concentrate and the special surrounds in which this life-giving algae grows in Lake Klamath, Oregon.

Ian is very passionate about spreading the word about this and the opportunity. Hear Ian share his many years of experience.

Brought to you by:

Holistic Chiropractic Hervey Bay, 2B Fraser St, Torquay

  • Tuesday 3rd December – 6:00pm for 6:30pm start
  • Wednesday 4th December – 12:30pm for 1:00pm start


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